Photoshop Quiz Questions

  Q1. What all information Image Title bar display ?
 Ans. The Image Title bar displays format, zoom size and color mode of an image.

  Q2. Mention names of various screen modes available in Photoshop.
 Ans. Standard Screen Mode, Full Screen Mode with Menu bar and Full Screen Mode.

  Q3. Mention names of tools available in Lasso tool group.
 Ans. Lasso tool, Polygonal Lasso tool and Magnetic Lasso tool.

  Q4. Which tool among Clone Stamp and Pattern Stamp lets you paint with the help of pre-defined patterns available in Photoshop ?
 Ans. Pattern Stamp tool.

  Q5. If you want to trim an image then out of Crop and Trim which tool would you use ?
 Ans. Crop tool.

  Q6. Among Eraser, Background Eraser and Magic Eraser tools, which tool deletes range of similarly colored pixels ?
 Ans. Magic Eraser tool.

  Q7. What is the purpose of Add Anchor Point Tool ?
 Ans. This inserts a point in a path as well as you can click a path segment with this tool.

  Q8. Name any five palettes available in Photoshop.
 Ans. Color, Layers, History, Path and Histogram.

  Q9. Which key among Tab, Esc and Backspace lets you hide and view Toolbox, Options bar and palettes ?
 Ans. Tab key.

Q10. Mention any three types of color modes available in Photoshop.
 Ans. RGB (Red, Green, Blue), CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) and Grayscale.

Q11. Which option among Mask, Opacity and Style lets you set the transparency level of a layer quickly without any hassle ?
 Ans. Opacity.

Q12. Mention any five layer effects.
 Ans. Drop Shadow, Outer Glow, Bevel and Emboss, Stroke and Satin.


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