Knowledge about the Tools

1.) MARQUEE SELECTION TOOL:- the tools arranged in this fly-out are for selecting rectangular or elliptical portions of an image.
  • Rectangular marquee tool :- to select a rectangular portion of an image.
  • Elliptical marquee tool :- to select an elliptical portion of an image .
  • Single row marquee tool :- the single row marquee tool to a select single row of pixels stretching the entire width of image.
  • Single column marquee tool :- the column row marquee tool to a select single row of pixels stretching the entire height of image.
 2.) MOVE TOOL :-  As the name suggest, it is for moving an image or a portion
Of the image from one location to another.
3.) LASSO TOOLS :- the tools in this tool group are used for making selection in an image.
  • Lasso tool  :- to make freeform selection.
  • Polygon lasso tool :-the polygon lasso tool enables you to make selection along straight lines.
  • Magnetic lasso tool:- the magnetic lasso tool enable you to make selection along the edge of an image.
4.) MAGIC WAND TOOL :- the magic wand tool allows us to select a consistently colored area without having to select the outline of an object.
 5.) CROP TOOL :- the crop tool is used for trimming an image. during cropping , the selected area of the image remains while the rest of the part is removed..
 6.) SLICE AND SLICE SELECT TOOLS  :- slice and slice select tool come into play when you are creating web graphic.
 7.) HEALING BRUSH , SPORT HEALING BRUSH , PATCH AND RED EYE TOOLS  :- These tools let you correct imperfections , causing them to disappear into the  surrounding image. like cloning tools, use these tools to paint with sampled pixels from an image or pattern . it also matches the texture ,lighting , and shading of the sampled pixels to the source pixels . while the patch tool let you repair a selected area with pixels from another area or a pattern, spot healing brush tool removes blemishes and other imperfection in your photo.
8.) BRUSH AND PENCIL TOOL  :- the brush tool paints a line of thickness that you specify click on the brush tool in toolbox and image to draw the strokes of the desired color .pencil tool used same.
  • Clone stamp tool this tool allows you to copy a portion of the image over another image this is quite a useful tool for correcting old image.
  • The pattern tool paint with a repeating image tiff selected from Photoshop’s Library of predefined patterns .
  • The history brush :- selectively reverts portion of image to any of the several states listed in the in the history palette.
  • Art history brush tool :- the art history brush tool paints with pixels from a Pervious image state , the only difference is that, with it, you get a variety Of brush options that create different artistic affects.
11.) ERASER TOOLS  :- Photoshop provides you three type of eraser tools.
  • Eraser tool :- the eraser tool work like an ordinary eraser that deletes area from an image .
  • The back ground eraser tool :- back ground eraser tool  lets eraser the back ground .
  • The magic eraser tool :- magic eraser tool deletes a range of similarly colored pixels.
  • The gradient tool :- creates a gradual blend between multiple colors. You can choose from preset gradient fills or create you own.
  • Paint bucket tool :- fills adjacent pixel that are similar in color value to the pixel you click.
  • The blur tool blur pixel of a selected part to impart softening look to the image.
  • The sharpen tool  :-  will sharpen the selected part of an image to increase clarity.
  • The smudge tool  :-  select the finger  painting in the option bar to smudge using the foreground color at the beginning of each storks.
  • The Doge and Burn tools are based on a traditional photographer’s  technique for regulation exposure on specific area of a print. Photographers hold back light to lighten an area  on the print (dodging ) or increase the exposure to darken (burning).
  • Sponge tool :- select the way you want to change the color and specify the flow, finally, drag over the image you want to modify.
15.) PATH SELECTION AND DIRECT SELECTION TOOLS  :- after you can create a path , you can select it or edit it by using these tools show the path selection and direct selection tool selects an entire path while the direct selection tool permits you to drag points and handles to reshape a path. For this create a path using path.
16.) TYPE TOOLS  :- The type tool used for adding text to an image.. there are four option under the type tools.
  • The horizontal type tool :- is used to display the text horizontally across the screen.
  • The vertical type tool :- is used to display the text vertically across the Screen
  • The horizontal type mask tool :- is used to display the text as mask, horizontally across the screen.
  • The vertical type mask tool :- :- is used to display the text as mask, vertically across the screen.
17.) THE PEN TOOLS :- These tools create straight line and smooth flowing cures. You can the pen tools in conjunction with shape tools to create complex shape
  • Pen tool :- this is used to click and drag to create a path , you can also edit the path by moving , adding and deleting the point.
  • Freeform pen tool :- this is used for drawing freehand path . you only need to drag this tool to draw .Photoshop automatically adds points along the paths as it sees fit.
  • Add anchor point tool :- this insert a point in a path as well as you can click a path segment with this tool.
  • Delete anchor point tool :- this is used to click on appoint in under to remove it without interrupting the outline of the path.
  • Convert point tool :- this enables you to change one kind of point to another, drag a point to convert it from a corner to an arc.
18.) LINE TOOL :- also known as shape tools, these tools let you draw basic shapes quickly. her are five shape options quickly. her are five shape options.
  • Rectangle tool:- this draw  rectangles shape.
  • Rounded rectangle tool :- this tool draw rounded rectangle shape.
  • Ellipse tool :- this tool draw elliptical shape.
  • Polygon tool :-  this tool draw different polygon shapes.
  • Line tool :- this tool draw straight lines .
  • Custom shape tool  :-  this tool helps you to create complex shape.
19.) NOTES AND AUDIO ANNOTATION TOOLS :- you can attach note annotation notes and audio annotations to an image in Photoshop.
  • The Eyedropper tool allows us to select the foreground or the background color from an image.
  • Color sampler :- you can click on as many as four location in an image to evaluate the colors of those pixel in the info palette present in the option bar.
  • Measure tool: - lets you measure distances and direction inside the image.
21.) ZOOM TOOL  :- the zoom tool gives us a zoomed.
22.) HAND TOOL  :- when we enlarged the size of an image , the entire image is not visible in the image window , thus, to navigate from one part of the image to another, the hand tool.

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