Mirror Effect

In this tutorial you will learn how to make the Mirror Effect in Photoshop.
  1. Create a new file and place an image on it. Preferably, place an image of some human character (Fig.1).
  2. Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool (keyboard shortcut = M) from the Toolbox (Fig.2). Make a Oval shape on the file as shown in (Fig.3).
  3. Create a New Layer by shortcut command Ctrl + Shift + N & name the layer as Mirror (Fig.4).
  4. Fill a Light Cyan Color in the selection by shortcut command Alt + Delete and Dark Cyan Stroke in the selection, For applying Stroke, Go to Edit menu and select Stroke from the list of options (Fig.5) or press shortcut command Alt + E + S. When your Stroke dialog box appears, Set the Width of Stroke and select a Color, Keep the Location of Stroke as Center and Blending mode as Normal. Also maintain the Opacity to 100% (Fig.6).

  5. You will get the result as shown in (Fig.7).
  6. Now move the Mirror Layer behind the Image Layer by dragging & change the order of Layers as shown in (Fig.8.1) & (Fig.8.2).

  7. By doing the above action The Mirror Layer appears behind the Image Layer (Fig.9).
  8. Select the Mirror layer and re-size the Mirror a little bit smaller (Fig.10).
  9. Now select the Mirror layer, select the mirror area with Magic Wand Tool (keyboard shortcut = W) (Fig.11). 
  10. Create a New layer by shortcut command Ctrl + Shift + N and fill white color in the selection by shortcut command Alt + Delete, remove the selection by shortcut command Ctrl + D (Fig.12).
  11. Now select the Image Layer & copy the Image Layer by shortcut command Ctrl + J, then use Transform command Ctrl + Tright click mouse button, select Flip Horizontal and move the image a little bit side as shown in (Fig.13).
  12. Now arrange the Layers as shown in (Fig.14).
  13. Now select the layer named White Mirror & change the Opacity of the same to 50% (Fig.15).
  14. Now your output will look as shown in (Fig.16).
  15. Select the Mirror layer, select the mirror area with Magic Wand Tool (keyboard shortcut = W), then press the shortcut command Ctrl + Shift + I for Inverse Selection, now the selection is inversed and the area we selected before gets deselected and the remaining area gets selected (Fig.17).
  16. Now select the image copy layer and press Delete Key. With this command, we delete the extra portion of the image copy layer which was earlier appearing outside the mirror. Finally you will get your desired result (Fig.18).
  17. Thank-you for watching, Regards - Ayush Maheshwari

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